Captured With



Pleased To Meet You.

I’m Byron Cobb, through the years nearly every single one of my English and Literature teachers have called me ‘Lord Byron’ which became my adopted name.

Since then I have kept it as a way to connect to the aesthetic parts of life. The name speaks to nobility, timeless, old-world values, and an appreciation of beauty. For more than 30 years I have been a a confident purveyor of memories.


It was in the early 1980s that I acquired my first professional camera and guidance from a retiring New England based photojournalist. Since then I’ve been blessed to always have a few pro cameras in hand. My early work was rather primitive; focusing primarily on portraiture, wildlife, and landscapes.


Over the years we’ve refined, explored, and created surreal art in a wide range of photographic genres. As our business matured we were fortunate to garner a number of celebrities, national and global businesses as clients in our portfolio.


Lifestyle, portraiture, products, and even high fashion photography are what we most easily identify with. The unique needs of each relationship taught us to pause, to listen, and to think critically. This helps us deliver results that are not only timely and meaningful but also become works of art.

Creating imagery over the decades and in more than 20 countries has had immeasurable rewards.

I’ve grown to believe it’s simply not enough to take good-looking photos for assignments. I must capture the heart and soul of things for my clients. This approach serves as a roadmap leading from concept, to post-processing, and delivery.

I love creating uncomplicated images. Bold, clean, emotionally impactful imagery, do not require complex camera settings or outlandish backdrops.


 “I believe in the minimal manipulation of light and surroundings. My use of a variety of dynamic lenses and getting close to most subjects is all that is needed to create a sense of desire, tangibility, and drama.”

- Byron Cobb

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I look forward to working together with you to create the imagery to represent
your brand or capture the precious moments of your event.


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